I have been to Wigmore on several occasions and that afternoon I decided to take a stroll on the beautiful beaches nearby. The waves were crashing onto the shore, but for some reason I became entranced with the calm, peaceful water slowly sweeping back into the ocean, taking with it some beautiful shells and stones resembling polished glass of all shapes and sizes that were lying on the shore.
This juxtaposition of power and peace was a reminder of the many students who had come through the program over the years, including myself, full of angst and stress, attempting to stay afloat through the peaks and troughs of our everyday lives. Yet, while we are here we build relationships, eat energy soup, mediate, and open our minds and souls to each other. We arrive at the institute like so many undulating waves, varying in intensity and duration. But by the end of the second week we are relaxed, laughing and occasionally shedding a tear of joy, while glowing with life-affirming energy. All of the waves somehow flow into one placid sea of love and contentment.

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