Hope that my grandchildren will grow and make the world a
better place. Hope that my mother, who
has sacrificed for all of us for so many years, continues to bring happiness to
her lineage. Hope that my daughter, who
just landed a good job, will follow in the matriarchal footsteps left before
her like so many footprints in the sand.
For me, this was just another opportunity to let my mind
drift to creative ways of helping others have hope.
The ebb and flow of the tide and ceaseless surf reminded me that life
continues with or without us. We are often
pushed and pulled by currents beyond our control. Yet, if we remain conscious and aware of our
destination and the beauty each day presents, the waves become a little less
ominous; the distant horizon a little clearer; and the notion that God helps
keep us afloat an absolute.

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