Friday, April 24, 2015

Puerto Rico: Where Less is Wigmore

All the talk about social support at the Centered In summit reminded me of a recent visit to the Ann Wigmore Institute, a close-knit community of like-minded practitioners located in the western reaches of Puerto Rico.  The town of Aguada is, ironically, one of the eastern-most points of the U.S., the very same U.S. I went there to get away from.  I needed to escape the trials and stressors in my life and to soul-search and dream about my future, a life that I hoped would embody the very regimen and practices Ann Wigmore espoused six decades ago:  rebuild, rejuvenate, reconnect.

Sunshine and rain, yin and yang, depletion and restoration were the themes over my two-week hiatus. A gentle clang of a brass bell started each day, followed by a regimen of colonic irrigation and massages and yoga and heady conversation with cohorts from around the world who became my social support, and I, theirs.
Each day we were reminded by the constant spinning mechanism of the wheat grass extractor of the very essence of Ann Wigmore’s philosophy:  the cleansing power of wheat grass would be the catalyst of our rebirth with every sip; our daily interactions the social support necessary to help us stretch and grow.

No make-up, days filled with classes and glasses of wheat grass, sunshine and breezes nudged me gently back to my center. From a lazy hammock on the deck of my bungalow I could hear the perpetual wind and surf as I was growing stronger.  Green soup, sprouts and vibrant living were often topics of discussion; I was being filled with affirming food and thoughts and emotions.

Old and new friends, all partners on a quest for a better mind, soul and body and supporting me in mine, reminded me that THIS is living.  THIS is an integral part of my life.  THIS is me.

(An unexpected stop was Mar Chiquita, located on the north shore between Aguada and San Juan.  It isn't easy to find, but what worthwhile things in life are?)

To hear more about social support, tune in to my Centered In radio interview on April 29 or visit One Body Won Life.  After all, even we need support.  Gracias!

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